Career & Major Assessment

Getting Started With Focus 2

Create an account in FOCUS 2 to begin exploring career options today.{ts%20%272024-05-03%2001:22:21%27}&SID=1911
You will be asked questions related to things already familiar to you such as your personality, life preferences, and more.  After just 30-40 minutes, you will be provided a customized list of possible career aspirations that align with your major, personality, and life preferences.


  • For first time users, on the FOCUS 2 website, click on “Register”
  • Your ACCESS CODE is resurgence and it is the same for all users
  • New users fill out the requested information on the form and click CONTINUE
  • Returning users, log in with your username and password and then click CONTINUE

Suggested Assessments

  • Once you are logged in, begin by taking the Career Planning Readiness and Academic Strengths assessments.
  • Then take the Personality, Work Interests, Skills and Values assessments
  • Be sure to read the results of your Combined Assessments
  • Click on the list of matched careers and begin researching the most current information on industries

A good strategy after using Focus 2 is to think about your results, and discuss your ideas with the Director of Career Development or your academic advisor; be sure to continue to use Focus 2 as an ongoing resource.