MBC News

Coronavirus update for Morris Brown College

By March 12, 2020 February 10th, 2021 No Comments

Coronavirus update for Morris Brown College:

While each institution has developed policies and has communicated with its respective campus stakeholders regarding COVID-19, the AUC schools also engaged in coordinated efforts to safeguard the entire AUC community. An Atlanta University Center Coronavirus Task Force has been established by the presidents of the Atlanta University Center Consortium (AUCC) member institutions- Clark Atlanta University (CAU), Morehouse College, Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM), Spelman College, (as well as leadership from the Robert W. Woodruff Library, Interdenominational Theological Center, and Morris Brown College), to collaboratively inform decision making. Given our contiguous physical campus environment, cross-registration, joint events, and shared facilities, the Task Force has been charged with coordinating cross-campus policies, procedures, and collective approaches. Further, this group is comprised of relevant campus functional leaders, medical professionals, and public health professionals from across the AUC and leverages the expertise and resources of each member institution.

After considerable discussion—and informed by available information, data, and best practices—Morris Brown College, CAU, Morehouse, MSM, ITC, and Spelman are taking the proactive step of moving to a virtual academic environment for the remainder of the semester, upon the recommendation of the Coronavirus Task Force, and with approval by the six presidents.

There will be a meeting called today to discuss whether our plans for Morris Brown College Founder’s Day on March 20th will proceed as planned or not. An announcement will be made as soon as possible.

Dr. Kevin James
Interim President