Morris Brown College (MBC) and Atlanta Metropolitan State College (AMSC) hold a Memorandum of Understanding to offer MBC faculty, staff, and students’ full access to their library and its resources. The campuses are only 4 miles from each other and accessible by public transportation if needed. For full access, MBC patrons should provide current school or state identification to the AMSC staff member at the library circulation desk.
Atlanta Metropolitan State College and Morris Brown College MOU to Offer Library Resources
Library Hours
Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Friday- 8:00 am- 12:30 p.m
Saturday- Closed
Sunday- Closed
Summer Hours
Monday – Thursday
8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday, Saturday & Sunday – Closed

Atlanta Metropolitan State College Library Resources
The AMSC Library
The Library is located at the center of the campus in the Library Administration Building. The Library provides comprehensive resources appropriate to the instructional and research needs of all disciplines.
Services are available seven days a week during the semester and offer access to books, periodicals, and electronic databases. Scholarly research is enhanced and made available through carefully selected media (print and non-print materials), access to the Internet, and the GALILEO Interconnected Libraries (GIL) System. As an online system, GIL/GALILEO is designed to ensure universal access to a core level of materials and information services for every student and faculty member in the University System of Georgia.
The Library houses a collection of approximately 50,000 volumes, provides access to periodical titles, and has comparable units of microfilm. A videotape/DVD collection offers drama, poetry, and history. Circulating books and bound periodicals are available on the third floor. Current periodicals, reference, and microforms are housed on the second floor.
Microfilm reader-printers, photocopiers, computers, and reserved resources are available to students, faculty, and staff members. In addition, students have access to public and academic library catalogs in the University System of Georgia and throughout the country. GIL Express and Interlibrary Loan services are available providing students, faculty and staff access to resources beyond the holdings of the AMSC Library.
The GALILEO databases (eBooks at EBSCOhost and Ebook Central – ProQuest) provide access to approximately a million eBooks.
The Ernestine Y. Thompson Archives is housed on the second floor of the Library. The Archives maintains documents and artifacts on the history of AMSC.
The Atlanta Metropolitan State College Library is a member of ALA (American Library Association), GLA (Georgia Library Association), GALILEO (GeorgiA LIbrary LEarning Online), GOLD (Georgia Online Databases), and Lyrasis.