Teach For America (TFA) is an AmeriCorps program that recruits recent college graduates to become teachers in low-income public schools. Beginning in 1989 as a Princeton student’s senior thesis, TFA has spawned a network of over 5,000 corps members—teachers—and nearly 60,000 alumni.

A nonprofit organization whose stated mission is to "enlist, develop, and mobilize as many as possible of our nation's most promising future leaders to grow and strengthen the movement for educational equity and excellence.
Morris Brown College values its partnership with Teach For America (TFA). We support TFA in its mission to build the movement to eliminate educational inequity by enlisting our nation’s most promising future leaders in the effort.
Alternative Teaching Certification Program for
Morris Brown College
- Students will apply to join TFA during their junior or senior year.
- Once accepted to as a Teach For America Corps member, TFA will support their placement and hiring in a local school district with a starting salary around $55,000.
- During their two-year teaching commitment, TFA will help the MBC alumni enroll in a certification program that will allow them to be a fully certified teacher.
- Teach for America supports with a Coach for 2 years.
- All accepted TFA corps members will receive a $5,000 transition grant and those students who are Pell Eligible can receive an additional $5,000.
- All Teach For America corps members have the option of participating in the Americorps program concurrently with their teaching commitment that will result in an additional education award that can be used to pay education loans or further graduate studies.