MBC News

New President of Morris Brown College rallies alumni to save school’s legacy

By March 28, 2019 February 10th, 2021 No Comments

ATLANTA, Ga. (CBS46)- Morris Brown College’s new president has issued an open call for help.

“The idea is to really rally our alumni first before we go to the outside community,” said intern president Dr. Kevin James.

James said he’s steadily building momentum to get those with a stake in the college’s fate involved in saving its legacy.

“We’re asking volunteers to give up their time, specifically our alum to give up their time and donate their time to help make phone calls, to help us with our students activities, student services, and alums have been overwhelming supportive,” added James.

The call to action includes professors like Dr. Mark Lee volunteering to teach.

“I submitted my materials to teach. I’m a chemistry, bio chemistry, and biology professor at Spellman College and because I’m right there I’m more than willing to help. And other have submitted their resumes and CV’s to do the same”, added Lee.

In all, about 60 professors have answered the call to teach a class at Morris Brown for the coming fall semester and Dr. Lee who is currently in the DC area said the volunteer professors will help to attract students to the school.

“The number of degree offered have been very low and they’ve been in areas like entrepreneurship and I think by bringing in professors who can offset other courses, other topics then the number of majors that can be offered can also be expanded,” said Lee.

James said the volunteer professors are not only working to expand the majors being offered but helping to regain the school’s accreditation.

“I will be meeting with our accrediting agency on April 10th to start the process to work towards our accreditation and were also working on a fundraising campaign right now.

Anyone can go to our website to help us out, morrisbrown.edu chase app restoremorrisbrown.